George Strait is celebrating his highest first-week numbers ever on the country singles charts. 'I Saw God Today' debuted at No. 19 last week. It's a song that has a big personal impact on Strait.

"'I Saw God Today' is such a well-written song," he says. "Sometimes we take a lot of things for granted, especially anybody that's had a child . . . If they're in the delivery room or not -- when they first see that child, it truly is a miracle. And you just realize that all of these things that God has given us, sometimes you just take for granted. But if you step back and take a look around, you'll see what beauty we have around us in the things that He has created for us."

'I Saw God Today' is the first single from Strait's new album,'Troubadour,' which hits store shelves tomorrow. The country legend recorded the album at Jimmy Buffett's Key West studio, Shrimpboat Sound -- a beat-up shack on the waterfront that used to be a shrimp storage cooler.

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