Two of the three Stealing Angels members will go on a televised trip around the globe, as they compete in the hit CBS reality series, "The Amazing Race." Caroline Cutbirth and Jennifer Kuhle will compete with 10 other teams of two in a scavenger hunt that will take them to exotic places all over the world.

"I think it will be an incredible life experience," says Jennifer (who used to go by the last name Wayne, as her grandfather is film legend John Wayne). "My dream is to travel and who better to do it with than my best friend! I love adventure."

And adventure they'll have. The competition will take the "Paper Heart" singers 30,000 miles, hitting five continents and nine countries. Their tasks will include skydiving in Bora Bora, a Shemozzle race in New Zealand (we'll have to watch to find out what exactly that is), hunting for scorpions in Botswana and scaling the north face of the Eiger Mountain in Switzerland.

The pair are confident that their time as bandmates -- they formed Stealing Angels with Tayla Lynn back in 2007 -- and the time they've spent touring the U.S. gives them an advantage in the competition.

"We have lived in such close spaces for the past five years, we know how to be dead honest with each other," Caroline says. "We respect each other so much and each knows our strengths and weaknesses."

While the thrill of winning the race's million dollar prize is quite enticing, both singers are genuinely excited to see the world. Some of their dream destinations?

Caroline hopes to see "Egypt, because of the pyramids; Africa, because of the animals and landscape; India, for the ashrams; and Turkey, because I have heard incredible things."

"I am dying to go to India and Japan," Jennifer adds. "I studied Asian art in college and those two places had my favorite art."

"The Amazing Race" Season 22 premieres Feb. 17 at 8:00 PM ET on CBS.

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