The ghosts, vampires and goblins are out in force just in time for Halloween, and you never know who might be under those scary costumes – it could be one of your favorite country artists.

Taylor Swift loves Halloween, but she doesn't like the seasonal treat, candy corn. "I'm not into candy corn. I've never understood it. It's too many different tastes," says country's teen queen. Taylor and her pals did however have a strategy when it came to seeking out the best candy. "You always tried to find the house that was that jackpot house with the giant candy bars, like the giant Hershey bars or the giant Reeses."

Carrie Underwood loves the commercial aspect of Halloween -- the candy, the costumes and just the sheer joy she gets from dressing up. She says, "Everybody gets to just be completely silly. I mean if I walked down the street dressed as a giant bunny rabbit any other day out of the year, people would think I was insane. But you can do that on Halloween, the rules don't apply." Carrie reveals her house is decorated for the holiday, as well. "I've got all the skulls and crossbones' stuff all out on my table."

Jason Michael Carroll and his brood love playing dress-up for Halloween – it's one of their favorite holidays of the year. The family always decorate the house, and he says they add to the "already large collection" each year. The Carrolls also pick out their costumes way in advance, and try to make it some sort of theme. "Last year, we were Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Gang. This year, we are working on a Batman theme," Jason Michael says. "Buying our costumes in advance gives us a chance to make them awesome! One of our good friends helps us with alterations. Even the grandparents, aunts and uncles are dressing up to fit with our theme this year!" The group also gets in the spirit as they're putting their costumes on, by playing the Michael Jackson 'Thriller' video on TV. Leading up to the night, the Carroll gang watch 'The Nightmare Before Christmas,' 'The Addams Family' and 'Hocus Pocus,' and even have a Halloween playlist on their iPods.

When kids check out their loot from their Halloween stash, one candy that they may give to their parents or throw away, Craig Morgan says is his favorite candy. "My favorite Halloween snack -- and you can only get 'em at Halloween -- are those candies that are wrapped in the orange and black wax papers -- the peanut butter things. I absolutely love those. I stock up on those at Halloween, and I try to get enough to last me. We put 'em in the freezer and freeze 'em and then take 'em out and let 'em thaw and eat them throughout."

Montgomery Gentry's Eddie Montgomery loves dressing up and still wishes he could trick-or-treat as an adult. "I love Halloween, man," says Eddie. "I always want to dress up. I reckon I always will. I wish they'd still let me trick-or-treat, you know. I try to pull it off, but it's starting not to work now."

Trisha Yearwood and hubby Garth Brooks still love dressing up. A few years ago, Trisha dressed up as "The Grinch," and nobody knew it was her. "I looked like the mascot for a football team," says Trisha. I had the thing over my head and everything. And after I got over the claustrophobia of wearing the mask over my head, I loved it." By the way, her favorite Halloween candy is the miniature Reese's cups.

Justin Moore isn't a big fan of Halloween, in fact, he detests it! "I absolutely hate Halloween," he admits. "Everybody makes fun of me because I despise Halloween, and I don't know why. As a child, I was a very serious child, which makes no sense because I'm never serious now. But I never wanted to dress up as a kid. My parents, they're like, 'You're the strangest kid...but I never dress up ever!"

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