Blake SheltonBlake Shelton is the latest celebrity to put the brakes on Twittering. An admitted Twitter-holic, the singer became so addicted to the social networking site that he was sending as many as 100 tweets in a day! Many of those tweets were jabs at PETA, and the majority of them were filled with his notoriously off-the-wall humor.

"Twitter got to be for me a little bit of an addiction," Blake told fans this week, via a Facebook chat. "About a week ago or two weeks ago, I deleted the application off of my phone because I wanted a break for two or three weeks ... It gives the tree huggers a deep breath knowing I won't be popping off at 'em anytime soon."

Blake also told fans during his online chat that acting isn't really a big goal for him, and while he's landed a couple of film roles in movies that ended up never being made, he feels he's doing exactly what God intended him to do -- be a country singer.

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