Amos Lee, ‘Chill in the Air’ – Exclusive Song Preview
Amos Lee's fifth studio album is still a week away from release, but the singer is letting readers of The Boot get an exclusive preview of one of the songs.
'Chill in the Air' is a track from 'Mountains of Sorrow, Rivers of Song,' which is slated for release on Oct. 8 via Blue Note Records.The followup to Lee’s acclaimed 2011 release ‘Mission Bell’ -- which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and Billboard Rock Albums charts and contained the No. 1 hit single ‘Windows Are Rolled Down' -- takes a different approach than past albums, with Lee and his band working in Nashville with producer Jay Joyce.
'Chill in the Air' is a gentle, melodic track structured around sparse acoustic instrumentation. Lee says Joyce's restraint as a producer was a key element in capturing that sound.
"It was nice to have him around to go, 'I don't think it needs that; I think we're good with less on this one,'" he states.
'Mountains of Sorrow, Rivers of Song' is available for pre-order here.
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