Tim McGrawTim McGraw has a favorite spot in his house where he loves to kick back and relax. It's his favorite chair. His wife tells him she hates it, but Tim says he knows better.

"I have my own chair. It's a double-wide recliner. It's ugly brown leather -- fake leather, probably," Tim tells Reader's Digest. "We're building a new house, and Faith swears it's not going to make the trip. She hates it. Until she sits in it. Then she loves it!"

Tim says having his own chair is actually the best thing about being the only man in his house. The worst thing? "Somebody's always in my chair!" he says with a laugh.

When Tim kicks back in his well-worn, much-beloved, ugly brown double-wide, he loves getting emotionally involved with any and every football game he can find on TV. "My teams are the [Tennessee] Titans and the [New Orleans] Saints. I will watch any and every game I can possibly see 'til February. Even high school. Our kids aren't in high school yet, but I think we missed one game last year. My nephew now plays for a different high school, so I'm going to be back and forth between two schools all season!"

On the other side of the TV dial, Tim also loves taking in a good movie. And it seems he gets pretty emotionally involved with those too. "[I cry at] everything! I'm half-Irish -- I cry at commercials!" he jokes "I recently saw a movie called 'The Greatest.' We watched it at 8 a.m., and I was ruined for the rest of the day. I had a headache from crying."

Tim's long-awaited album, 'Southern Voice,' was released this week. Listen to the CD, track by track, here.

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