Tim McGraw, Faith Hill Advocate for ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control
In the wake of recent tragedies such as the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting, that claimed the lives of more than 58 country music fans and injured hundreds more, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are sounding off about the need for common sense gun laws in the United States. In a new interview, the two country stars leave no questions about where they stand on the issue.
“Look, I’m a bird hunter -- I love to wing-shoot ... However, there is some common sense that’s necessary when it comes to gun control," McGraw says in an interview with Billboard. "They want to make it about the Second Amendment every time it’s brought up. It’s not about the Second Amendment.”
Gun control is, it's no secret, a sensitive subject in country music circles, where fans tend to be more pro-gun than pro-gun laws. Many artists have been reluctant to lend their voices to the debate, but in their chat with Billboard, McGraw and Hill address the issue gracefully, but without pandering.
“In reference to the tragedy in Las Vegas, we knew a lot of people there," Hill says. "The doctors that [treated] the wounded, they saw wounds like you’d see in war. That’s not right.
"Military weapons should not be in the hands of civilians," Hill continues. "It’s everyone’s responsibility, including the government and the National Rifle Association, to tell the truth. We all want a safe country.”
Hill's call-out to the NRA comes in light of new proposed legislation that would make "bump stocks," equipment that virtually transforms a rifle into an automatic weapon, illegal in the United States. It's a move that the NRA supported after the Las Vegas incident, but the organization has since changed positions.
McGraw came under criticism from country music fans in 2015 when he performed at a benefit for the Sandy Hook Promise, a non-profit that advocates for stricter gun control after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., in 2012.
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