They share the same occupation, but just because Tim McGraw and wife Faith Hill are two of country's biggest superstars doesn't mean they're always in sync musically.

In an in-depth interview with Billboard, in anticipation of his upcoming album, 'Southern Voice,' Tim says he and Faith don't always agree on what the other should record, but, like any good husband, he adds, "I always listen to my wife's opinion."

"We have different tastes in music," Tim goes on to say. "There's been plenty of songs that I've put on albums that she wasn't necessarily crazy about, and there's been songs that I thought she should have used or didn't use, and vice versa."

But even if Tim and Faith don't always share the same interest in music, one thing they definitely agree on is family. Tim says the couple won't work if doing so interferes with keeping the schedules of their three daughters.

"I say this with a caveat," Tim cautions, explaining, "I never want to offend people who don't have the capability or the freedom that Faith and I have to be able to say if we don't want to work. How many fathers out there would love to be able to say that and can't? But because of our situation, because we were both very successful before we got married, we are able to put a priority on family and say, 'This is the time we can work, these are the times that don't interfere.'"

Tim also acknowledges that he and Faith each have their particular role to play - just don't ask him to organize things. "I coach ball, and all that stuff about when their games are, their practices are, parent teacher meetings -- all that stuff is scheduled out. There are times when it doesn't quite work out, but most of the time it does. That's a big testament to my wife because she's the best at it, she's very organized. I, on the other hand, am not organized at all."

Tim's 'Southern Voice' will be released on Oct. 20.

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