If Kenny Chesney and Keith Urban were to visit Hawkins County, Tenn. (especially at the same time), the event would be newsworthy. But the fact that they weren't hovering around in the yard of a Surgoinsville woman -- who called 911 last Saturday night claiming the two entertainers had been shot at her residence -- proved newsworthy enough!

According to tricities.com, when Hawkins County Sheriff's deputies arrived, the woman told them that two women had entered her residence with an AK-47 gun, and shot her mother, Kenny Chesney and Keith Urban, and that the suspects were crawling under her back porch.

The arrest report said there were no signs of a shooting at the residence, and that no one else was there. After deputies left the scene, dispatch received several more phone calls from the woman stating that there had been a shooting at her home.

The woman told dispatch she wanted the Tennessee Highway Patrol to come to her house, because the deputies would not arrest the shooters. When police came back to the residence, the woman was still on the phone with dispatch.

She was arrested and charged with filing a false police report.

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