Justin Moore is working on his fourth studio album, but instead of just relying on his record label to find him hit songs, he is once again enlisting the help of someone much closer to him: his wife Kate.

"I rely on her quite a bit," Moore admits to Billboard. "We had a session booked. I had a couple of spots left, and I could absolutely not decide what to throw in there. I let my wife pick them. One of them was a song that wasn't even on my radar, and she was just adamant that I cut it."

The father of three daughters learned fairly early on in his career to trust his wife's instincts.

"The last time that happened was "'Til My Last Day,"" Moore says, "which became a No. 1 record for us."

In fact, the Arkansas native thinks that his wife can pick hit songs because she's listening as a fan, not as someone with a job in the industry.

"I think that when you're in the business, we listen to music differently from a normal person who either likes something or doesn't like something -- especially me as a songwriter," he says. "I'll go, 'It doesn't get to the hook fast enough. It's too long. It's too slow, or it's too pop.' She just listens, and goes, 'Oh, I like that,' or, 'I don't like that.'

"Anyone that you have around you like that is definitely a tool to use," Moore continues. "I've learned that in the past with her picking some songs that became hits that I might have never even have recorded."

That list includes "'Til My Last Day," which was definitely a game-changer for Moore.

"Songs like "'Til My Last Day" have opened up a new avenue for us,” he tells The Boot. "It’s still me, but I hadn’t done a love song prior to that one, and the fact that it was so successful opened my eyes to the fact that we can do some more stuff in that vein. It’s still going to sound like me."

Moore and his wife have been together since literally the beginning of his career. After back and forth negotiations, he signed his recording contract on his wedding day, right before they cut the cake.

“It was a whirlwind of emotion,” Moore recalls. “I mean, getting married, signing my record deal the same day. It’s funny, the day you get married, you don’t even remember anything."

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