Jennifer Nettles surprised fans on Friday (Feb. 22) with a brand-new solo track. The Sugarland member dropped "I Can Do Hard Things" at midnight; readers can press play above to hear it.

A slow, acoustic guitar-driven song, "I Can Do Hard Things" finds Nettles musing on the ups and downs of life -- specifically, how they make us stronger. "Sometimes I don't like it / But that don't mean I don't love it," she sings. "Sometimes I get down so low / But that don't mean I can't rise above it."

"It's a lot to look at all that I got / It's a lot to see who I am and am not," goes the chorus of "I Can Do Hard Things." "But I can laugh and I can love and I can dream / I can do hard things ..." The song is sentimental and reflective, and highlights Nettles' stunning voice.

"As women we are taught that we must do it all and act like we like doing it all ... As if life were an 'either/or' instead of what it really is: 'both/and,'" Nettles writes in an essay for, explaining the inspiration behind "I Can Do Hard Things." "And as I began to acknowledge that truth within me, that coexistent holding of everything all at once, I began to learn about pain and resilience and strength and tenderness."

"I Can Do Hard Things" is the fifth solo single from Nettles, who released two solo albums while Sugarland were on hiatus. The duo reunited in 2018 for a new studio album, Bigger, and a tour -- but Nettles' newest solo song doesn't mean that she and Kristian Bush are done making music together already.

“We’re constantly doing stuff,” she tells the Atlanta Journal Constitution. “I had this music and I wanted to be able to put it out.”

Nettles has not shared if more solo music is in the works, however.

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