Brad Paisley celebrated the chart-topping success of both 'Welcome to the Future' and his most recent No. 1 single, 'American Saturday Night,' at a party at Nucci's Italian Ice, just south of Nashville.

Usually, the industry has a separate party for each No. 1 song, but since Brad has a jam-packed tour schedule, the two songs were honored together. "Those songs were pieces of my life one way or another," Brad tells The Boot. "They're both observations on the world, back-to-back, really different takes, similar in the sense that they're larger than personal relationship songs. They're observations about the world and our country and my take on things a little bit, and both of them are celebrations of that. So, it's kind of fitting to have this party together for both of these songs."

Brad held a press conference prior to the afternoon fete, and it was pointed out there is a correlation between major political events and 'Welcome to the Future.' The W.V. native wrote it when President Obama was elected and first played it live at the White House. Brad was celebrating the song's first day on the top of the charts the same day a new Health Care Bill was approved by Congress. "I feel a connection to our country," explains Brad. "I'm just like everybody else. I want our government to work. I want everyone to get along ... and so I'm looking at the positivity, the hope, the glimmers of maybe some things are going the right way, maybe some things aren't, but looking at that and writing these songs about the positive side of living in this country. It's still the best place to be born, to live, to have these opportunities and there's a reason why so many people try to come here."

The singer-songwriter says he is just lucky to be in the right time at the right place. "As far as tied to current events, I definitely have synchronicity, but that's not by design and I don't know what happens there," says Brad. "I don't know how these things happen to me. I've always had that kind of life. I'm in many ways Forrest Gump. There I am playing ping pong one minute and the next thing, I'm standing there being recognized or something stupid. I don't know how or why or that I deserve it. But don't go thinking of me as one of these celebrities that know it all, because I don't."

Those who do think they know it all pretty much rub Brad the wrong way. "My biggest thing is I watch the Oscars. It's like, 'You're an actor. Don't make political comments! You're an actor. You're not Madame Currie. You played her, but you're not. You didn't cure anybody!' Sometimes us celebrities, we let it get to our heads that people want to know what we think. So, I'm done thinking."

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