Brad PaisleyMost artists need a little caffeine to keep them awake while on the road. Brad Paisley, however, reveals his favorite coffee, kopi luwak, has a little something extra in it.

"It's this really rare coffee that my band got me as a gift because we live on coffee out on the road; you need it," he explains to the San Francisco Chronicle. "Kopi luwak is a delicacy ... where, basically, this lima [known as a civet in Indonesia] eats the coffee fruit and then craps out the bean and they harvest the beans from the floor of the jungle and make coffee from it. It's supposedly the best."

Turned on to the beverage by Olympic figure skater Scott Hamilton, after he discovered it in Italy, Brad says he goes the extra mile to get his fix. "We ordered it," he says. "It's very expensive."

Brad recently celebrated his 16th No.1 hit with 'American Saturday Night.' The tour by the same name, with opening acts Miranda Lambert and Justin Moore, wraps up next month.

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