Trace Adkins, ‘Celebrity Apprentice All Stars': Fun Facts About Our Favorite Contestant

Trace Adkins will make his debut on "Celebrity Apprentice All Stars" this Sunday, March 3. The country star, who came in second place on Season 7 of "Celebrity Apprentice," says he's had a much better experience this second time around, mainly due to better behavior from this crop of castmates! Still, his decision to return had nothing to do with friends, fun or fame ... and everything to do with repaying a charitable cause that helped his own family in a time of need, the American Red Cross.
"The only reason that I would do a reality television show is because this one at least has a shred of nobility because of the charitable aspect of it," Trace tells Entertainment Weekly. "I was ashamed of myself that I didn't know that the Red Cross responded to house fires. I thought they were like grand-scale natural disasters, and that was it. The fact that they were there and took care of my family when I couldn't be there, I just felt like I owed them ... I held [producers] off for a month or so, kept telling them, 'No, I'm not ever going [back].' The first time I was on 'Celebrity Apprentice' was one of the most stressful periods of my adult life, and I didn't want to come back and do it again. So it took my house burning down to get me to come back."
In honor of Trace's return, no matter how reluctant, The Boot brings you ten fun facts about the singer that you may not know. Click the "Launch Gallery" link below to take a look back at some highs and lows of his life and career.
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