Story Behind the Song: Morgan Evans, ‘Kiss Somebody’
Morgan Evans is enjoying his first hit at radio with his single "Kiss Somebody," from his upcoming new album, which will be released on Warner Bros. Records. Lines such as "Sometimes you gotta kiss somebody / In the back of a cab or on a subway train / Sometimes you gotta kiss somebody / On a midnight street in the summer rain" might seem to be about Evans' true love, Kelsea Ballerini, but that's not entirely the case.
Evans, who wrote the song with hit writers Chris DeStefano and Josh Osborne, was inspired, at least in part, by a brokenhearted friend, who had trouble getting over a relationship. But some of the song, too, was inspired by Evans' move to Nashville from his native Australia.
“[The lyrics] are straight out of my life experiences, trying to meet every tough decision head on with determination and positivity," Evans has said.
Below, Evans recalls to The Boot the day he wrote "Kiss Somebody."
It was actually inspired by a buddy of mine, a guy I used to stay with in Nashville before I moved here. He went through this really rough breakup, and he was devastated. I was there with him through that period.
I went back to Australia, and a year and a half later, I came back, and he was still heartbroken over the same girl. I was like, “Dude. You need to kiss somebody.”
The lyrics are kind of like that: "Sometimes you’ve got to drink about somebody ... Sometimes you cry and miss somebody ... Sometimes you’ve got to kiss somebody."
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