Members of Little Big Town describe performing for their fans as an unbelievable rush. In order to have instant energy with their first song in a show, LBT's Kimberly Schlapman says the group gets together with band and crew right before they go onstage.

"We do this thing we call 'hands,'" she explains. "We all get together in a circle and pile our hands on top of each other and then say a prayer. Then we do this goofy thing that no one would understand."

"It sets the mood so there's lightheartedness when we come out," Jimi Westbrook explains.

"It usually references a favorite movie, usually coming up with the most obscure thing -- think Will Ferrell lines -- that you can think of to shock everyone," continues Karen Fairchild. "So we go from being incredibly referent and grateful to being a little irreverent but still grateful!"

Once the four hit the stage, they're reminded how much they love their jobs.

"There are a million things going through your mind, because so much is happening onstage and in the audience," Phillip Sweet says. "At the same tim,e you're trying to take it all in because you want to remember every moment of it."

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