Jon Pardi Was at a Truck Stop for His First Time on the Radio
As many country stars do, Jon Pardi spent some time at the beginning of his career on radio tour: In the early 2010s, he traveled around to different radio stations across the U.S., introducing himself to programmers and sharing his music. It was during that time that Pardi first heard himself on country radio.
With a laugh, Pardi recalls his first time on country radio, which came at a particularly un-glamorous moment on the road. And while Pardi's big moment didn't happen that long ago, it was a different time, technologically speaking.
Read on to hear Pardi remember his first time on country radio, as told to The Boot.
I was at a truck stop, on radio tour, in a minivan ... I had a taquito in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other [Laughs] ... We were doing three conference room performances.
[I didn't film the moment.] I don't even know if cell phones had video on them! It was 2013. I forget -- There wasn't any Instagram at the time. There wasn't apps. I went on radio tour without social media, which is crazy. It was there, but it was, like, Facebook. It wasn't what it is now.
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