Summer's still several months away, but Americans have already selected their ideal celebrity road trip companions. In their first ever "Hit the Road" online survey, Greyhound Bus Lines asked 1,000 adults across the country to pick the celebrity travel buddy they'd most like to share the ride with when the travel bug bites.

Country music gets a single mention, with superstar Faith Hill among the top vote-getters. She's in the No. 4 spot on the list, parked just behind Oprah Winfrey at No. 3, 'Tonight Show' host Jay Leno at No. 2, and No. 1 road-trip buddy, actress Drew Barrymore. Results of the survey were announced earlier this week when Barrymore was a guest on the 'Tonight Show.'

Rounding out the list were actor/rapper Ludacris, IndyCar driver Danica Patrick, and NFL Football Hall of Famer John Madden.

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