Clint Black Explains How ‘Walkin’ Away’ Became a Different Sort of Country Waltz [Exclusive Video]
Clint Black is celebrating the 25th anniversary of his platinum-selling debut album Killin' Time, and he's sharing an exclusive in-studio video with readers of The Boot, of himself and his band performing the waltz-inspired song "Walkin' Away."
Black co-wrote "Walkin' Away" with his guitarist Hayden Nicholas and his drummer Dick Gay. The singer recalls that he and Nicholas wanted to write "a Cajun waltz, but with a real traditional country feel to it;" Black explains that while there are certainly plenty of waltzes in country music, this idea brought a different influence -- "maybe even just to the point where it inspired us."
Fans immediately fell in love with the song, which was released in February of 1990, as the fourth single from Killin' Time. "Walkin' Away" became Black's fourth consecutive No. 1 hit.
"Walkin' away, I saw a side of you / That I knew was there all along," Black sings. "And that someday, I'd say goodbye to you / 'Cause one right can still make two wrong."
Black's most recent record, On Purpose, was released in September of 2015, via his new record label, Thirty Tigers.
“Musically, On Purpose is right where I want to be,” he says. “I pushed myself hard for this album, doing more of the guitar work, even playing slide guitar for the first time.”
Though Black has new music, his classics, such as "Walkin' Away," still resonate with his fans.
Killin’ Time is available for download on iTunes. Visit Taste of Country for more Black-related content, as the site celebrates Clint Black Week.
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