Ashton Shepherd's upcoming album, 'Where Country Grows,' is already in high demand. In partnership with Eventful, Inc., the Alabama native is giving fans the opportunity to "demand" a hometown VIP album release concert through Demand it!, one of company's unique social media platforms.

"I'm excited to be giving my fans the chance to help me celebrate the release of Where Country Grows," Ashton gushes. "Eventful's Demand it! platform allows me to establish an intimate connection with my audience by giving them the opportunity to influence the outcome of something that has a lot of personal meaning to me."

Fans have until June 30, 2011 to log on to to make their vote count. The city with the most votes will host the exclusive concert, in conjunction with the July 12 album release date. The 10-song collection has already spawned the Top 20 single, 'Look it Up,' and will include Ashton's female empowerment anthem, 'I'm Just a Woman.' Click here to watch an exclusive acoustic performance of the song.

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