Country singer William Michael Morgan got his first taste of success with his debut studio album, Vinyl. And no one was more excited about his country music career than his two biggest fans: his mom and dad.

Read on to learn all about the first time Morgan heard one of his songs on the radio, and why, even though he couldn't be with his parents for that special moment, it felt like they were in the same room.

My song was actually on SiriusXM's [station] The Highway when I first heard it over the airwaves. I was sitting in my apartment at the time -- it was before I bought my house -- so I was sitting in my apartment at the time, just outside of Nashville, and they gave us a window of time when it would possibly play. So my mom and my dad were back home in Mississippi, and I was listening to it in my apartment here.

And it comes on, and probably halfway through the verse, my mom calls me. I'll tell you something: I wish we could have been together in person, but it was like we were. I mean, it was one of those special moments. I was like, "Man, it's finally happening, are you listening?" We talked for just a second, and then we were like, "Okay, let's listen to it, I'll call you back."

As soon as it was done, we called each other back, and my parents were like, "We're so proud of you," all that stuff. My mom and dad are my best friends; they've always been my best friends. They've seen me through this and seen me through that, as parents should. You know, they're two of the best people I've ever met in my life, and two of the best people I think I ever will meet in my life.

My mom's a little more used to hearing me on the radio now, so I would imagine she probably turns it down at this point, but she loves hearing the new stuff, though. Mom's got a good ear. If I send her something and she doesn't like it, I know we don't need to be doing it.

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