Toby Keith has performed 145 USO shows overseas, so you might think he's seen it all. But a few days ago, while visiting the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, the superstar experienced something so unusual that he took to his Twitter page to share with his followers.

"Soldiers on both sides stand few feet apart -- stare motionless for hrs -- daring the other 2 challenge. I walked right between. Creepy!" Toby tweeted. "W/o question -- after 145 USO shows -- most bizarre behavior by 2 enemies I've ever witnessed."

This year, Toby's 14-day tour will also include a visit to the Persian Gulf.

"I've been traveling with the USO since 2002, and every year I look forward to spending time with the men and women who serve this great country," Toby tells CMT. "When I get onstage and look out into a crowd of uniforms, it gives me a great sense of pride to know that I am giving back to them."

Check out photos of Toby's USO tour here.

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