If you're a longtime reader of the Boot, no doubt you've noticed quite a few changes over the last 24 hours. We're proud to officially welcome you to the all-new TheBoot.com, featuring a full site re-design.

The Boot has been one of the premier online destinations for country music news, reviews and interviews for eight years now, and we have no plans of changing that -- in fact, it's only going to get better and better. We're going to continue our longstanding commitment to bringing you the best mix of superstars and new acts from country, Americana and bluegrass.

But as you can see, the new site also offers a much cleaner, more user-friendly experience that's sleeker, less cluttered and far easier to navigate, making it easier to find the stories and artists that interest you the most. Our top stories header and trending bar make it easy for you to go right to today's hottest stories from the world of country music.

We've also got an all-new mobile site that offers a much better user experience, including some special features for iPhone or Android. App-like experiences include built-in sharing for Facebook and Twitter, text re-sizing for easy reading and interactive polls, commenting and music streaming.

Take a look around and enjoy the new site, and don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the very latest in country music happenings.


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