Taylor Swift is highly-favored to become the youngest-ever CMA Entertainer of the Year tomorrow night, but back before she moved to Nashville and became popular music's hottest commodity, she had another important line of work on her parents' Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania.

"I didn't actually work with my dad to cut [the trees] down," Taylor told late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon recently, "because I was five. But they put me to work!"

Taylor's important job: to go through the trees and pick off the praying mantises that would infest the Douglas fir trees.

"[They would] lay eggs and form pods on the Douglas fir Christmas trees," she explains. "That is their favorite tree to infest. That's where I would come in. I would walk around the Christmas trees all day, pick them off, and put them in a little basket so the people wouldn't have bugs in their house! What a wonderful little hobby for a child!"

The end result was always joyful, however, as Taylor recalls the excitement of seeing people pick out their Christmas trees each year. "It's very festive! It was a happy thing. It's in the center of the living room and people are happy and smiling."

Hmmm ... the same might be said of a CMA Entertainer of the Year trophy ... we'll find out if Taylor will be happy and smiling tomorrow night (Wed., Nov. 11) as the CMA Awards air live on ABC beginning at 8 p.m. (ET).

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