Sugarland's Incredible Machine tour is one of the best-selling tours of any genre -- which is a very good thing for reasons beyond their spectacular stage show. The award-winning duo have been donating one dollar from every ticket for the last four years to The Shalom Foundation, which helps the people of Guatemala with nutrition, education, health care and housing. It's a cause Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush are proud to stand behind.

"If you've come to see one of our shows, you have danced and sang and rocked your way into some good karma, my friend," Jennifer shares on the band's website. "You have contributed to houses for families living in tin shacks with dirt floors. You have aided in the purchase of food for children who otherwise would not have eaten. You have allowed books and scholarships to be provided to children who would not have been able to go to school and learn. You have purchased a children's surgery hospital where kids with life-altering illness go to receive procedures and care that they would never be able to find or afford in their country."

Jennifer recently returned to the Central American country with a videographer to document the powerful work that is being done there. "There's so much need, and at the same time, I want to be respectful to the fact that these lives are full of dignity and full of hardship and hard work and that it's all relative," she shares in a touching video. "Everybody has a story to tell."

Sugarland and their crew are still mourning the seven lives that were lost in the devastating stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair in August. They will return to Indianapolis on October 28, which marks the final date on their Incredible Machine tour, to perform a free concert honoring those affected by the tragedy.

"This Incredible Machine is more than a tour and more than a set," the lead singer shares. "We have always celebrated music as a Healer. While music cannot change the events and losses at the Indiana State Fair, it can hopefully serve as a ritual and a balm to provide comfort and facilitate healing in this time of great sorrow. We hope to see you all soon."

Sugarland's remaining tour dates include stops in Orlando, Tallahassee and Atlanta. See their full concert schedule here.

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