Story Behind the Song: Alan Jackson, ‘Sissy’s Song’
A tragic event inspired a Top 10 hit for Alan Jackson. The country hitmaker released "Sissy's Song" in March of 2009, as the fourth single from his Good Time album. Below, Jackson tells The Boot more about the song.
I wrote it for a girl that worked for us who died. She was a lady that looked after the whole house. Leslie Fitzgerald was her real name, but we called her Sissy. She had an accident on a motorcycle; she was 40-something [when she died on May 20, 2007]. She was just somebody who was in our house every day ... then, all of a sudden, [she was] gone. When people get old, you expect them to die, but it's different when they are young and it's tragic like that.
It's a real special song for me. I recorded it for the funeral, but [producer] Keith [Stegall] and I went into the studio one day and put the guitar and vocal down. It's just me and the guitar and the harmony parts. After some people heard it at the label, everybody wanted to put it on the album.
This story was originally written by Deborah Evans-Price, and revised by Angela Stefano.
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