Reba McEntire was in Denison, Texas, this past weekend to break ground on a new Reba's Ranch House. The house will be built near the new Texoma Medical Center, which is currently under construction.

Reba says the new house will continue to provide a comfortable place for families to stay while their loved ones are being treated at the medical center nearby.

"It's going to be a beautiful facility where people can come and stay all night in the comfort of a nice home," Reba told KXII-TV. "Instead of having to stay in the sometimes crowded waiting rooms they can go down and stay at the Reba Ranch House in comfort, and that means a lot to me and my family."

Reba says she often hears back from the families who have stayed at the Ranch House.

"They write back and say how important it was and how rested they felt and how much more support they could give to their family members by getting a good night's sleep," she says.

The existing Reba's Ranch House has welcomed more than 24,000 visitors since 1992. Reba donated five years of proceeds from Memorial Day concerts to help fund construction of the original Ranch House.

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