Rascal Flatts have been together for a decade and they're planning on celebrating that milestone with the fans at each and every stop on their upcoming Nothing Like This tour. Joe Don Rooney says that this year's show will take fans through every musical stage of the supergroup's career, from the earliest days down at the Fiddle and Steel Club in Nashville's Printers Alley to the present.

"Our albums are just really soundtracks to our live show," Joe Don tells Countryforever. "We have adopted that method from day one and we're going to do more of that with this new show, and be able to take people on a journey from 2000 to 2010 in a matter of about an hour-and-a-half to two hours."

This year's show may even have a bit more of a theatrical feel to it, according to the guys, right down to the costumes. "We're going to start out at the earliest part of our history and it's going to be more of a Broadway kind of show because we're going to take people through all the phases of our career," says Jay DeMarcus. "Lots of dress and wardrobe changes. Very Reba-esque," jokes Joe Don.

The band will kick off their Nothing Like This tour June 25 in Raleigh, N.C.

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