Rascal FlattsRascal Flatts fans hoping to score tickets to Saturday's autograph session and mini-concert at CMA Music Fest hit the pavement Friday night ... and stayed there, for 20 hours or more. Die-hard Flatts fans camped out in chairs, made makeshift beds and even broke out air mattresses to sleep right on the hot and steamy sidewalk outside of the Nashville Convention Center. By 6:30 PM, a line of a few dozen people had already formed in anticipation of the rare Flatts autograph signing, and fans from as far as Pennsylvania were excited at the prospect of seeing their favorite band up close and personal ... even if it did mean they had to forgo a big concert down the street at LP Field and a good night's sleep.

"I'm taking second shift for a friend, but we've been here since noon today," said Jason Chestnut from Christiana, Pa., who held the coveted place at the head of the growing line.

Debbie Rash, also from Pa., was spending part of her third CMA Music Festival experience in line to see the band and says she's stood in line to see the guys before, but never for this amount of time. "We spent the night last year to see Taylor Swift, and I stayed on the sidewalk on a Friday night for Tim McGraw. I tried for Lady Antebellum but I didn't get it. But I got a Tim McGraw ticket."

Tickets to the event were to be handed out at 8:30 AM Saturday, so eager Flatts fans weren't taking any chances on missing out on the special celebration in honor of Rascal Flatts's 10-year anniversary.

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