Whatever Happened to These Country Artists?
We've all had those moments: You're sitting around the table, talking with family or friends, when one of your favorite old country songs pops into someone's head or comes up on the playlist. Maybe it's "Dust on the Bottle," maybe it's "She Don't Know She's Beautiful," but pretty quickly, you're asking yourself, "What ever happened to that guy?!" Well, we've got the answers!
Did David Lee Murphy and Sammy Kershaw take breaks from performing to write music or spend more time with their families? Or did they simply up and disappear? What happened to Bobbie Gentry after "Ode to Billy Joe"?
What have Charly McClain and Chad Brock been up to? How about Cole Deggs and the Lonesome? Blackhawk? Deana Carter's "Strawberry Wine" is a well-remembered classic country tune, but where has Carter been over the years?
Check out the gallery above for the answers all of your burning questions about what your favorite artists of the past (and maybe even a few artists you forgot your loved!) are up to today.