During this week's CMA Music Festival in Nashville, the guys in Love and Theft -- Stephen Barker Liles, Brian Bandas and Eric Gunderson -- plan to participate in a number of events and activities, including the City of Hope Softball Game, the New Holland Celebrity Tractor Race, and, of course, lots of meeting and greeting the many fans (or "Theftheads" as they're affectionately known) who'll be lining up to take pictures and get autographs.

So which Love and Theft member can you count on to produce the prettiest autograph? Both Stephen and Eric agree that it's Brian. And the guys all concur that between the remaining two, you're likely to walk away with just squiggly lines.

"[Eric]'s more consistent than me," Stephen tells The Boot. "Mine sometimes looks like, 'What did you just draw?"

Stephen's signature is also apparently evolving over time – and sometimes right in the middle of an autograph session.

"The other day, we were playing a show," says Eric, "and he turns to me and says, 'Dude, my autograph just changed, and I don't know why!'"

Post-CMA Music Festival, Love and Theft will be hitting the road again, meeting more fans and signing more autographs. Their debut album, 'World Wide Open' drops August 25. Want to know how much time is left before that happens? There's a counter ticking away the days, hours, minutes and seconds to the release date on the band's MySpace page.

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