With CMA Music Fest -- formerly called Fan Fair -- in full swing, we asked one of the most fan-friendly stars about his craziest fan encounter.

"I've been doing this since '93 ... I've seen just about everything!" Kenny Chesney tells The Boot with a laugh. "This isn't a weird thing -- it just shows a level of passion, but there was a girl that came through one of the meet-and-greet lines last year. Her whole back was the 'Be as You Are (Songs from an Old Blue Chair)' album cover, tattooed on her back. It was cool! I got a picture of it. I couldn't believe that somebody would do that to their body, but it just goes to show you how passionate people are. Believe me, when I was writing songs for that record, I didn't envision that!"

That just may have been the first time Kenny asked a fan, "Hey, can I get a picture with you?"

Kenny is set to close the CMA Music Fest Sunday with a performance at Nashville's LP Field.

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