Kellie Pickler USO Tour: Singer’s Sixth Trek Includes Blackhawks
Kellie Pickler is wrapping up her sixth USO tour entertaining troops abroad. This installment served as the first leg of the annual USO holiday tour, and included the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, as well as Washington Nationals pitchers Ross Detwiler and Craig Stammen, to name a few.
"It brings me joy to be overseas with our service men and women during the holidays," Kellie tells the USO of her seven-day, four-country trip, "and like all of my past USO tours, this year's trip has been amazing and I am grateful to be a part of it."
There's no telling where you'll go or what you'll do on one of these treks, as the songstress knows all too well. "We never find out like where we're going to be going until we get on the plane and they hand us our tour book," Kellie tells The Boot.
This time around, though, Kellie took to Twitter to give fans glimpse of her adventures. On Dec. 13, she posted, "Flew on & off an aircraft carrier today!!!!" along with the above photo. She also responded to a fan who tweeted that the North Carolina native had flown with their sibling in a Blackhawk in Afghanistan, saying, "It was awesome."
See more photos from the trip on the USO's Flickr site here.
Watch Kellie Talk About the USO
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