Jason Aldean’s Thanksgivings Are All-American
When talking to The Boot back in 2009 about family holiday traditions, Jason Aldean explained the sort of all-American Thanksgiving you'd expect from a Macon, Ga., native.
"We usually go out and fry a couple of turkeys at my house," Aldean told The Boot. "Then we watch some football games." He even has his own "man cave" at home to indulge his sports-viewing habit.
"In my house I've got a room that's sort of my game room or sports room," he said. "I go and watch football and baseball in there. I have a bunch of sports stuff in [there]. It's got the whole vibe going ...
"I have a lot of Georgia Bulldog stuff, baseball stuff and football jerseys from guys who I know who play and who've been out to the shows and things like that," Aldean added. "I like getting jerseys and having them framed. I've got all of those in my room with a bunch of Georgia Bulldog helmets and stuff signed by the players and coaches. I'm into all that."
A lot happened for Aldean in the past decade, beyond seeing his beloved Georgia Bulldogs playing for the national championship in 2017. A string of smash hits, successful albums and high-profile tours earned Aldean the ACM's Dick Clark Artist of the Decade Award. To drive home the award's prestige, here's the past winners: Marty Robbins (1960s), Loretta Lynn ('70s), Alabama ('80s), Garth Brooks ('90s) and George Strait (2000s).
This story was originally written by Alanna Conaway, and revised by Bobby Moore.
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