Darius Rucker is getting physical, eating right and exercising. And he wants you to do the same. The singer recently joined forces with First Lady Michelle Obama and CMT in a nationwide campaign called Let's Move, designed to encourage Americans to get healthy by eating well and staying active.

"I have three children, so fitness and health are serious concerns in our household," Darius explains. "I've been blessed to have a wonderful wife that starts my family's healthy lifestyle initiative at home, but there are so many children out there without that guidance and encouragement. By making this a community effort, we can extend that knowledge beyond just the household and make an active lifestyle a way of life."

That's exactly the response the President's wife hopes other families adopt as well. "Before coming to the White House, the President and I lived lives like most families -- two working parents, busy, trying to maintain some balance," she says. "Picking up kids from school, trying to get things done at work. Just too busy and not enough time. What I found myself doing is probably making up for it and not being able to make a good meal for my kids. Going to fast food a little more than I'd like, ordering pizza, and I got to see the effects my family, particularly on our kids. It got to the point our pediatrician said, 'You may want to make some changes.' So I started making the changes. Short, easy changes, but they led to some really good results. So I wanted to bring the lessons I learned to the White House. This led to our new initiative, 'Let's Move.'"

As part of Darius's involvement in the nationwide initiative, the talented singer will provide public service announcements on CMT, encouraging viewers to stay active and healthy. For more information on Let's Move, click here.

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