Who Is Colter Wall? 5 Things You Need to Know
Less than a year after releasing his self-titled debut LP, Colter Wall has already wrapped up his next record. While that's great news for Wall's followers, there are no doubt countless country fans across the globe who have yet to grace their eardrums with the heart-filled, inimitable grit of Wall's music. And even for longtime fans who have been around since Wall's 2015 EP Imaginary Appalachia, there are still some things to learn about the young gentleman from up north.
There are few artists out there who can play, sing and write like Wall can, so it's only appropriate that we help shine the spotlight on him. To that end, The Boot has culled together five facts we've learned about the rising Americana, folk and alt-country star.
Click through the photo gallery below to learn more about Wall. Then, as we anxiously await his next record, make sure to check out Colter Wall and, if you haven't yet, catch his live show as soon as you can.
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