Charlie Daniels Calls Rolling Stone Reporter a ‘Little Punk’
One question from a country radio deejay in Tulsa, Okla., was all it took to get Charlie Daniels hot under the collar about the recent ouster of Gen. Stanley McChrystal. The former commander of the US forces in Afghanistan resigned last month when President Obama accused him of demonstrating "poor judgment" after McChrystal and his aides made disparaging comments about Obama administration officials in a Rolling Stone story titled 'The Runaway General.'
Charlie puts the blame squarely at the feet of the magazine.
"We got cost a great warrior ... just because of some little punk that works for Rolling Stone trying to make a name for himself," the country legend told KVOO Tulsa morning air personalities Skip Mahaffey and Sunny Leigh during a recent telephone interview. "I want to see this punk go over there and take Gen. McChrystal's place in the line. I want to see if he's got guts. Put him with a bunch of Humvees driving around the IEDs [improvised explosive devices] and see what he thinks of it. We don't have many people like Gen. McChrystal, and it's just a shame that because of a few careless words of some of his staff that somebody like Rolling Stone magazine can get him booted out."
Interestingly, all Mahaffey had asked Charlie to prompt the response was how the spirits of the US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are holding up. The musician has made numerous trips to those regions to visit and entertain the troops serving there. Not surprisingly, he also had words of support.
"I have yet to see the war that I see on CNN," Charlie said of his travels. "All the networks are interested in is the bad things. There's a lot of good things going on. Don't ever get the idea that these kids don't know what they're doing. Don't ever get the idea that these generals and these civilian people don't know what they're doing. The kids are there because they know what they're doing. They're the best we've got. The most loyal Americans we have are in uniform. We owe them an unpayable debt of gratitude, and not just to the ones who are on active duty now, but also to all of our veterans, our reserve, our National Guard, everybody who's ever defended this country. I think it's dag blamed well high time that people like Rolling Stone started realizing that between them and somebody that wants to come blow your building up there stands young men and women toeing the line for them in Afghanistan and Iraq.
"All of those countries over there fear our might because of the young men and women in uniform that are toeing the line for us, that are standing in the gap. It's high time we realized that."
As previously reported on The Boot, this week the Charlie Daniels Band released two new digital singles, 'Iraq Blues' and an updated version of longtime fan favorite '(What The World Needs Now Is) A Few More Rednecks,' with a new verse included. Both songs will be on the band's new, 15-song patriotic collection, 'Land That I Love,' due out August 10.
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