Ashley Monroe, ‘Two Weeks Late’ Video – Exclusive Acoustic Performance
We've all heard the expression "a day late and a dollar short." But leave it to Ashley Monroe to put a clever country spin on that old saying in "Two Weeks Late," a tune she co-wrote with Shane McAnally. Taken from her solo album, Like a Rose, Ashley gives credit to Shane for the song's hook, "a dollar short and two weeks late," which came to him while standing in line at an ATM.
Even though it's a sad tale of woe, with the landlord at the door and her man long since gone, Ashley's comic sensibility ultimately couldn't help but shine through, according to Vince Gill, who co-produced Like a Rose with Justin Niebank.
"You have an amazing sense of humor that comes out in these songs," Vince told the singer-songwriter at an industry event introducing her songs earlier this year. "Equally as compelling are the stories that she weaves, as well as the sound of her voice."
Accentuating the beauty of her voice is this special acoustic rendition of "Two Weeks Late," captured on a 1940s analog tape recorder by Nashville Time Machine.