Things were getting a little heavy in Stewart Eastham's last video, so the visual for 'Crazy Old World' -- the fifth that he and partner Katrena Rochell have crafted to support songs from 'The Man I Once Was' -- is much lighter and funnier.

"It was a great excuse for us to wear funny wigs and costumes!" Eastham tells The Boot. "We got to be goofy and off-kilter with the filmmaking style to enhance the '70s vibe."

In the song, Eastham sings, "There's a pot for every kettle," a reference to "the magic of people somehow finding each other in this 'crazy old world,'" he says. That was the theme he and Rochell went for in the video.

"Lyrically, this song is pretty straightforward, but we didn't want to just recreate the lyrics in a literal way," Eastham says. "The challenge for us was come up with vignettes that had some crossover and connection to specific lyrics, but in more of an obtuse (and hopefully humorous) way."

So, they brainstormed "a ton of ideas," drew some inspiration from a late-night visit to a San Diego Mexican restaurant and came up with the three sets of characters in the final product.

"With each of the three vignettes, we want introduce these different quirky couples," Eastham says. "Even though they’re often silly, we still wanted there to be an earnest sweetness at the core of each tale."

You can download ‘The Man I Once Was’ from Amazon and iTunes now.

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