Who Is Lukas Nelson? 5 Things You Need to Know
It's a little weird to say that Lukas Nelson is an artist you need to keep an eye out for, considering that he and his band, Promise of the Real, haven't really been hiding over the last decade. From releasing their own original music to much success and acclaim — their self-titled LP peaked at No. 2 on the U.S. country charts in 2017 — to backing the legendary Neil Young on tours and albums, Nelson and company have kept busy.
Since the release of their debut EP, Brando's Paradise Sessions, Nelson and Promise of the Real have become notable stars in their own right, but no matter how well you might think you know them, we did some digging around and found a few tidbits that fans might be surprised to hear. Read on for five things you need to know about this son of country icon Willie Nelson.
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