Story Behind the Song: Tyler Farr, ‘Only Truck in Town’
Tyler Farr inked a new deal with Jason Aldean's new label, Night Train Records, in early 2019. Since then, Farr has been working closely with Aldean -- who's also his producer -- to find the right single to kick off his next musical chapter. Below, Farr explains how they settled on "Only Truck in Town."
Me and Jason had had it for about two years. Jason sent it to me. We have a lot of similar tastes when it comes to songs, and I've always appreciated his ability to hear hit songs and hear big songs in his style, which mine is kind of similar to -- country rock.
He sent this song over to me, and I fell in love with it, like, "This is a big song." Just for the fact that it was simple, yet unique, yet had a little bit of an edge, but nothing crazy. Different enough, but safe enough for radio to play it. But also, to me, where it's not selling out. It's Tyler Farr-approved.
That's what you look for in a song, and it's so hard to find all those attributes, and [a song that] captures everything you want. It's easy to find a very edgy song, but you get too edgy, and maybe it has one too many curse words in it or something, and radio won't play it. Songs like these are hard to come by, hard to find.
We were talking about what was gonna be the lead-off single. It was gonna be a big deal for me and for Jason, because I'm coming back to radio after being gone for a few years, and Jason's launching his label with this song. It needed to be big for both of us, and we all came to an agreement on "Only Truck in Town."
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