Society of Broken Souls’ Playlist: 19 Songs That ‘Leave Us Forever Changed’
Society of Broken Souls' Dennis James and Lauryn Shapter both used to host radio shows, so they're familiar with the art of creating the perfect playlist. On the list they assembled for The Boot, listeners will find, in James' words, "artists we just love" -- plain and simple.
"While it's hardly a comprehensive list," James adds, "it’s great sampling of what we’re drawn to, inspired by, or ones that just leave us forever changed."
Adds Shapter, "I always joke that no matter how great a musician you are, if you don’t break my heart at least once, then you’re probably not going to win me over. I love songs that take my breath away ... But I also love a song with a good dose of attitude."
There are a few on SoBS' playlist that fit each of those bills: Patty Griffin's "Go Wherever You Wanna Go" falls into the former category, Shapter says, while "Blood on Your Bootheels" by Caroline Rose is one of the latter.
Shapter and James have been making music together since 2003, first as Truckstop Souvenir and now as Society of Broken Souls. They released their fifth album together, Midnight and the Pale, on April 13.
Listen to Society of Broken Souls' Playlist
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