Story Behind the Song: Robyn Ottolini, ‘F-150′
Robyn Ottolini goes from heartbroken and hiding from her ex's truck to, as she says it, "movin' on, gettin' strong" in her single "F-150." That's how it went for the singer and songwriter, too ... eventually.
It was Ottolini's co-writers (also her managers and producers), Erik Fintelman and Mark Schroor, who convinced the artist to add a hopeful note to the song's final chorus. Now, that feels true to her, but at the time, she wasn't quite there yet.
Below, Ottolini -- a native of Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada -- shares the story behind "F-150" in her own words.
I dated a guy who drove an F-150, and we're from the same small town, and then he dumped me, so I was sad. And everybody in our town has an F-150, so everywhere I'd go, I'd see, like, his truck, even if it wasn't him. Sometimes it was him, and then I'd have a little pitter-patter, pitter-patter ...
I pulled over on the side of the road, and I put [sings] "When I see an F-150 ..." in my voice memo, and I went home.
Originally, I wrote the song alone, in my bathroom ... and then, six months later, I really wanted to record the song, and my producers-slash-managers were like, "It's really sad, Robs, and you're a very hopeful person," so they convinced me to re-write the last chorus with them. So we re-wrote the last chorus to what it is today, which is movin' on, gettin' strong, which is what I did -- yes! And then we recorded it, and bada-boom, bada-bing. that's kind of how it all went ...
[When we changed the final chorus], it was six months after I'd originally written the song, and I was pretty much over him. I was like, on my way, you know? ... Now I'm very much over him -- I'll tell you that for free!
But, yeah, it was definitely hard [to change it ... because] I was like, "In the moment, this is how I wanted to write it; this is how it should be." It was very hard for my managers to convince me ... I put up a fight, as I do, but i think that now that I have moved on, it's like, yeah, I really love that part of the song ...
Yeah, very much so [the guy knows it's about him] ... No, no, [we haven't discussed it] -- he's blocked ... Yeah, no, we don't go back there. Sometimes I see him in town, and I put my head down and I walk really fast ...
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