Midland dropped their sophomore album, Let it Roll, on Friday (Aug. 23). Walking down the red carpet before the 2019 ACM Honors ceremony two days earlier, though, the group didn't seem at all nervous about the big release. In fact, they said, the new project couldn't come soon enough.

"Well, it's high time that we got to release this music," the group's Cameron Duddy told The Boot and other outlets. "We've been waiting! Basically, there's a 'pink cloud' happy time of about three weeks after we put an album out, that you're content, and then when that goes away, you're ready to put out new music."

With that in mind, the trio has been jonesing for nearly two years -- ever since they dropped their studio debut, On the Rocks -- to put a new project out into the world. Now that the album is here, however, that doesn't mean that they'll be rushing back into the studio to tackle album number three. "[Next up is] the whole mission of putting the album into the live scenario, accomplishing that and settling into that," Duddy clarifies. "There's that whole aspect."

Midland will turn their attention to their live show this fall, embarking on their 2019 Let it Roll Tour. Kicking off on Sept. 17 in New York City, that trek will extend through November and include Australian tour dates as opening support for Tim McGraw.

As excited as the trio is to have their new project finished and out in the world, they say that the actual album-making process itself is just as rewarding as having Let it Roll finished and in fans' hands. "You start off, and the possibilities are endless," the group's Mark Wystrach explains. "It's funny how with the kind of work we do as artists, songwriters, recording artists and performers, the life informs the art, and that's what's gonna inform how you write and how the songs are chosen for the album."

It's clear how much Midland have grown as a band since their debut project, Wystrach continues. "All you gotta do is press play and listen to the album, and you can clearly tell that it's a positive evolution," he says. "It's more dynamic, and there's more to it than the first album -- as singers, writers and recording artists. So we're absolutely super proud about that.

"Some artists, this would maybe be a nerve-wracking week for them, but for us it's just a celebration, because we can't wait to share it with the world. And then go tour it!" Wystrach adds.

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