Story Behind the Song: Lena Stone, ‘Can’t Think Straight’
Lena Stone's second single "Can't Think Straight" came about during a relaxed, weekend night writing session with Stone's friend David Dorn, who also produced the track. Recalling the feeling of young love -- and the feeling of wondering about, and running into, that person years later -- the two penned lyrics such as "Am I still the one you're thinking of when you cant think, can't think straight? / I can't help it if I still picture us lying in your backseat / Two hearts on fire, all tangled up, your hands all over me."
Below, Stone recalls to The Boot the night she and Dorn wrote "Can't Think Straight."
"Can't Think Straight" was definitely the easiest writing session that I've ever done. I wrote the song with my friend David Dorn, and I think it was, like, a Friday night session, so we were drinking wine, of course, and we were just talking about first love.
For me, when I was 18, that was the year that I had my first drink and fell in love for the first time and had my heart broken for the first time, and we kind of wanted to put all of that in a song, because that's such a memorable, crazy time.
It's been so cool having this song out and having people tell me how much it makes them think of the first person they fell in love with, when they were, you know, young and wild and crazy and -- you know, before you know any better about falling in love.
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