Americana quartet Kat Myers & the Buzzards are premiering a new song, “Under the Rug,” exclusively for readers of The Boot. Press play below to listen.

Featuring the smoky-voiced Myers on lead vocals and a pulsing bass groove, “Under the Rug” is an anthem for procrastinators and avoidant people of all kinds. Myers also found inspiration for the song in a Catholic tradition she never quite understood.

"It also goes along with the recurring ‘Owe Everybody Money’ theme of Catholicism, and how many Catholics simply go to confession and tell a priest their sins, then come home and act like all is fine. This was always a very strange phenomenon to me,” Myers explains to The Boot. “So, I suppose that's how the idea for "Under the Rug" came about. It's not meant to be a very serious song, but the theme is slightly serious, but I don't really want to talk about it anymore, [so] let's just sweep it under the rug.”

After parts of the song rolled around in her mind for over a year, Myers headed into Jackson Browne’s Groove Masters studio to record “Under the Rug." The song was essentially just a rough draft when she stepped inside.

“The amazing thing is that there was such a good vibe with everybody and in the studio that the song basically finished itself,” Myers says. “It’s hard not to appreciate the history of the space, so we approached the recording in classic rock 'n’ roll fashion, recording the track live in one day and not shaving off too many of the rough edges.”

Myers is a relative newcomer to the Americana scene: She formed her band in the dive bars of Los Angeles, Calif., after returning from a six-month jaunt across Southeast Asia, on which she embarked in 2012. The Buzzards -- guitarist Elliott Beenk, drummer Johnny Elkins and bassist Jeff McElroy -- get their name from the nickname of a classic rock radio station in Myers' hometown of Cleveland, Ohio.

After playing more than 200 shows in LA, Kat Myers & the Buzzards are looking to find a broader audience with their debut EP, Owe Everybody Money. The project is due out on Nov. 17; visit for more details.

Listen to Kat Myers & the Buzzards, "Under the Rug":

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