Honey County Resist an Ex’s Drunk Dials in ‘Cry Wolf’ [Exclusive Premiere]
Honey County have had enough of an ex's drunk dialing habits in their new single "Cry Wolf." Press play below to hear the melodically bombastic track, premiering exclusively on The Boot.
A bold drum beat drives "Cry Wolf," which uses fairytale imagery and its familiar titular expression to express that enough is enough. Written by Rose with Devon Eisenbarger, Katelyn Clampett, Katie Stump and Maks Gabriel, the lyrics follow a protagonist who's found herself falling back into old romantic habits before -- but this time, she swears, "I'm not your red riding hood / Like I would've been back then / When I'd blindly do anything for you."
"It's the same story every time / You put on your show, apologize / Oh, I won't run for the woods next time you wanna cry wolf," sing Rose and bandmate Sofie Lynn in harmony in the chorus. "Keep begging for attention like you do / As loud as you want, howling at the moon / Oh, I won't run for the woods next time you wanna cry / Cry wolf."
Now a duo of founding member Rose and new member Lynn, Honey County formed in Los Angeles, Calif., but also have ties to Texas and the Bible Belt; as such, their music blends classic pop-rock and contemporary country. Honey County songs have been featured in Yellowstone, True Blood and Roswell, and they've performed at both Stagecoach and CMA Fest, among other big-name events.
"Cry Wolf" is due out widely on Friday (Oct. 16), as a dual single with "Ghost Town." It's available to pre-save now, and fans can learn more about Honey County at HoneyCounty.com.
Listen to Honey County's "Cry Wolf"