Story Behind the Song: Heather Morgan, ‘We Were a Fire’
Longtime Nashville songwriter Heather Morgan always knew she wanted to put out a record of her own music, but it wasn't until a group of her colleagues and mentors -- including producer Paul Moak and singer-songwriter Lori McKenna -- helped bolster her confidence that she began pursuing a project of her own.
The lead track on her debut album, Borrowed Heart, was one of the songs that convinced her to record a record of her own. Read on to learn the story behind "We Were a Fire" and why it's such a special song to Morgan.
A lot of times, I'll just sit and record ideas, and I don't even realize that two hours have gone by and it's, like, midnight.
I had this 18-minute recording of me doing different versions of the line "We were a fire" and kind of the first verse of that. Then, Paul and I were writing one day at the studio. The cool thing about writing with Paul is that you actually write in a studio, not a writer's room, so you're actually in there with the instruments, and it's a different feel, a different energy. It feels really special, and you want to use your time well in that scenario.
We were writing on one other idea that I'd had a couple days before, and we were having a hard time. Paul was like, "Why don't we write one of those ideas that you never share? I know there's a million ideas on your phone." He literally said, "I wanna write one of the best ideas you're saving, or I don't wanna write today." So I played him part of the idea I had for "We Were a Fire," and it came out, and when we were finished with it, I did the vocal there.
It was a week later when he showed it to me. I was boarding a flight, and when he sent me the demo, I literally listened to it from the time the plane took off to when it landed in LA. It was everything I ever dreamed that I would sound like on a song. That song just nailed so many things for me. I just couldn't stop listening to it.
After that song, I emailed him and said, "Would you ever consider making a record together?" He said, "I've been waiting for this email." It worked out to be this thing where we were on the same page, but he was waiting for me to actually take that step.