Foolin’ Around: A Playlist of Country Music’s Funniest Songs
If you think country music is all songs about cryin'-in-the-mirror woes, breakups and letdowns -- well, you've never heard these country songs. In fact, there may be no better format for exposing the humor of real life than country music.
From Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty's "You're the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly" to Toby Keith's "As Good As I Once Was," country music is full of hilarious tracks, both poking fun at true-to-life situations and playing on the absurd. With more than two hours of wacky country tunes, this playlist will keep you in stitches.
The Boot's "Foolin' Around" playlist contains some of country music's funniest songs, both old and new, to give you a good chuckle, on April Fool's Day or whenever you may need it. Press play below for a little old-fashioned country fun!
LISTEN: Country Music's Funniest Songs
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