Taylor Swift, Taylor BrightPop newcomer Taylor Bright has a British newspaper to blame for a canceled concert ... yet she has the same paper to thank for a huge wave of publicity. The Liverpool Echo printed an article stating that Taylor Swift was planning a concert for about 500 students at St. Margaret Mary's Catholic Junior School in Knowsley, Mercyside, England. But the show was actually supposed to feature the 16-year-old Taylor Bright.

"I have no idea why they thought Taylor Swift would be performing at St Margaret Mary's when she was in America picking up her Grammys," Bright's spokeswoman told the BBC. "It must have been a slip of the tongue."

That slip of the tongue was also announced to more than 40,000 football fans during the Liverpool versus Bolton game.

St. Margaret Mary's has now called off the show due to security concerns. The Liverpool Echo has issued an apology and pledged a donation to the school.

The younger Taylor can certainly look at the bright side -- this little case of mistaken identity has certainly resulted in a lot of press for the teen, before she even releases her debut single!

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